Seniors Actually Starving Right Here in the US!???

Posted Mon, Jul 23, 2012

You might be surprised to hear this but you don't have to look to other countries in order to find cases of starvation . In Orange County there is an increasing number of senior citizens who are starving almost daily. They are the ones dependent on food programs and they are being affected by the cuts on the funding of those programs. The agencies concerned say that their Federal funding has been reduced drastically. But people are not standing idly by to see these citizens go hungry.  Many groups in the area, including  Community SeniorServ and South County's Age Well Senior Services are reaching out to help so that the seniors could get the meals that they need. They are also trying to find donors and volunteers who can help guarantee hot meals for the affected seniors. The feeding programs were established in the 1960s in order to provide for citizens who would qualify. In recent years, however, the fundings were not increased, though the demand  for it was getting higher. In fact, the funding even got cuts, forcing the agencies handling them to make changes which has effects on the people who are dependent on them. Theresa Walker of The Orange County Register has written a great article on this topic. Click here to read more about this. If you would want some information about chair lifts in NJ then go here.


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