IBHS Suggests Tips to Avoid Winter Fires

Posted Tue, Oct 23, 2012

IBHS Suggests Tips to Avoid Winter FiresThe Insurance Institute for Business & Home Safety (IBHS) is offering to guide residents about the different ways for avoiding home fires this fall and for the coming winter season. In a statement they released, “While space heaters, fireplaces and wood-burning stoves can help consumers reduce energy bills during the colder months, it is critical that they be used properly.” The IBHS suggests the following tips to avoid winter fires:
  • Safeproofing fireplaces should inspected and cleaned annually by a chimney sweep.
  • The heater should be allowed to cool down prior to refueling to avoid combustion of the fuel.
  • Electric fires in general may be avoided by routinely checking appliances and wiring for frayed wires or cords and replacing those that are in poor condition.
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